Terms Of Service

By registering with us, you are confirming that you will not use Swift Complaint Hub in connection with any product, service, transaction, or activity that flouts these terms and conditions.

You may not use Swift Complaint Hub in connection with any service, transaction, or activity that is related to;

Restricted Activities

  • Violates any law or government regulation, or promotes or facilitates such by third parties;

  • Is fraudulent, deceptive, unfair, or predatory;

  • Causes or threatens reputational damage to Swift Complaint Hub or any industry.

Actions by Swift Complaint Hub

  • Blocking the settlement or completion of one or more payments;

  • Suspending, restricting, or terminating your access to and use of the Swift Complaint Hub’s Services;

  • Terminating our business relationship with you, including termination without liability to Swift Complaint Hub of any agreement between you and Swift Complaint Hub;

  • Taking legal action against you, if necessary;

  • Contacting and disclosing information related to such violations.

Data Processing Agreement

For the purposes of applicable Data Protection Law and the Data Processing Agreement (DPA), you agree that regarding the Personal Data you provide to Swift Complaint Hub in relation to our services and transactions, the client is the Data Controller and Swift Complaint Hub is the Data Processor.

Both Parties agree to comply with applicable obligations under Data Protection Legislation with respect to the processing of Personal Data. To learn more about each Party's obligations under applicable data protection legislation, please visit our full Data Processing Agreement on our website www.swifthub.ng .

Finally, detailed information on Swift Complaint Hub’s Terms of Service can be found in our Complaint Handling Procedure.