Frequently Asked Question. Animate-shape

To help understand our complaints policy, kindly find answers to the most frequently asked questions

No, you would be required to pay an administration fee of N2,000 to use our service. This is the only payment required from submitting a complaint all through to the resolution of the complaint.

You can make a complaint online by completing a complaints form, or by our dedicated complaint line as provided

Anyone from 18 years of age who is unhappy with the service they received

No, you can submit your complaint via our online complaint portal or via a telephone call.

There are 2 internal stages for our formal complaint process. Stage 1 and Stage 2

If you make a compliant, we will acknowledge receipt within 2 working days. You will receive a response within the following timescales
Stage 1: 10 working days
Stage 2: 20 working days

Yes, you are. However, we will need to have the person’s consent/permission that you are lodging a complaint on their behalf, before we can accept and process the complaint.

When we receive your complaint, we will investigate and if necessary, a resolution will be provided by the company you have complaint about.
Resolutions can vary from an apology, to changing the way the company provides their service to customers, responding to complaints on time or by putting things right where they have gone wrong. On rare occasions a monetary solution can be offered by the company depending on the investigation. All monetary funds will be paid to you directly from the company if they offer to do so.

If the complaint concerns a legal action, then we will not be able to investigate your complaint under our companies’ complaints procedure. If it is a separate issue we can investigate and mediate accordingly.

You can contact us in the same way that you would if you were to make a complaint or go to our social media handle via Instagram to leave a review.

We use feedback and reviews to improve the way that we deliver our services.

No, where applicable and if you agree, we will try to resolve your complaint informally outside of our formal complaint process.

Yes, complaints should be made within 6 months of the event you wish to complain about occurring. This time period may be extended if the matter relates to a health and safety issue or if there are valid reasons as to why the complaint could not have been made earlier.

Complaints are investigated by experienced, exposed, professionals and well - informed complaint handlers

Yes, there are some issues that are exempt, and a list is provided in the policy if your complaint is exempt. We will inform you and advise how your concern will be handled.